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Closed alpha when?

We're hoping to have some kind of closed alpha testing begin late fall/winter 2024, but we'll have to see how things work out. We'll keep you posted!

How long have you been working on this?

A couple of us dabbled with this concept for a couple of years until we realized we were way over-scoped and needed help. Most of the team joined later during 2023 after a lot of begging, and now we’ve started to get an actual game together.

Wait… Did you really beg them to join?

No, I was just trying to be funny. Most folks expressed interest in joining after they saw the game.

Why early access?

In the past we’ve enjoyed interacting with a community playing our game as we develop it. We think it’s key for a small team making something quite big over time, and we hope to continue doing that with this game.

When will you ship 1.0?

We don’t know. It depends on the feedback and what we think would make the game great. If people like what we do and we have inspiration we could create content for a couple of years for sure.

Why no multiplayer?

Being a smaller team this time around, we wanted to focus on making a great single player experience first. Sweaty nightmares of packet loss, high latency, and connection issues still haunt us and we wanted to try something new. We’re not even sure if it would be a better game in multiplayer. But… Maybe one day. No promises.

Is your game just “[Insert Creature Collection Game] we have at home”?

No, we don’t think so! While collecting creatures is absolutely one part of the game, Among the Wild’s goal is a lot more focused on interacting with, and understanding your creatures and growing your farm.

Will it come to console?

We don’t know, it’s still too early to say at this stage. But of course it would be awesome to see the game on console.